This is an approximate set of minutes hastily written down before I forget. May 25, 2006; 9:45 PM In attendance: Dwight, Steve, Sharlene, Ray, Charles, Jay, Steve, not being a member of the club as defined in Article III, Section 1 of the Club Constitution, is ineligible to vote. Sharlene, not having attended two of the past ten regular meetings, is ineligible to vote by Article VIII, Section 2. Sharlene is made a voting member of the club as described in Article VIII, Section 2. The candidates for president are Ravi Menghani and Dwight Wynne. Sharlene claims Ravi is an ineligible candidate, but does not elaborate further. No other candidates are nominated. The vote is four votes for Dwight and one vote for Ravi. The candidates for vice president are Kha Lai, Ben Treger, and Lev Trubov. As the term for next year's officers begins before Lev Trubov is an actual student at UCLA, it is noted that Lev is ineligible to fulfill the duties of any office he is elected to until that time. Mary Huang is nominated for the position and seconded. An attempt is made to contact Mary about accepting the nomination. By general acclimation, her lack of a response is considered an acceptance of the nomination. The vote is four votes for Mary, one vote for Lev, no votes for Kha, and no votes for Ben. The candidates for treasurer are Kha Lai and Lev Trubov. As the term for next year's officers begins before Lev Trubov is an actual student at UCLA, it is noted that Lev is ineligible to fulfill the duties of this office until that time. No other candidates are nominated. The vote is four votes for Kha and one vote for Lev. One absentee and one proxy ballot are counted. The votes are as follows: two votes for Dwight for president; one vote for Kha and one vote for Mary for vice president; two votes for Kha for treasurer. By gaining a majority of the votes, Dwight Wynne is re-elected as president of the club, Mary Huang is elected as vice president of the club, and Kha Lai is re-elected as treasurer of the club. Dwight actually makes a decision. He demands that the empty pizza boxes be removed from the room and placed in a trash can outside Ackerman. When no one accedes to this demand, he takes the pizza boxes himself. (END OF MEETING)